All Thumbs: Well-Coordinated Piano Technique - E-Book


Another fascinating piano technique book from Alan Fraser

All Thumbs is Volume 3 of Natural, Artistic Piano Playing, Alan Fraser's series of books on piano technique. Following The Craft of Piano Playing and Honing the Pianistic Self-Image, this book gives the the thumb, one of the most misunderstood and neglected parts of the pianist's hand, a complete makeover - fleshing out its role and offering a brilliant series of exercises to bring its full potential to bear on your piano technique.

Fraser shows how empowering the thumb leads to a similar empowerment of all the fingers, the hand, and the entire piano playing mechanism. He also addresses arm weight technique in more detail than ever before, with a discriminating evaluation of its potential pitfalls as well as a paean to the glories of its best incarnations.

As always, each physical strategy is linked to musical interpretation, for improvements in articulation, phrasing, rhythm, sound and expression - leading you towards truly Natural, Artistic Piano Playing.

Published June, 2012. 324 pages.

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